Order Types and Functionality Guide

41 Example 2: RT Participation Assume the CLOB is as follows: RT: JOEAVG MGF: 500 Participation: ON BID OFFER Order # 001 - JOEAVG 300 $10.00 $10.02 400 Order # 002 Order # 004 200 $10.00 $10.02 100 Order # 003 If an incoming client order to sell 500 shares @ MKT is entered, then since the RT already has an open order with time priority, the incoming order will trade with the booked order rather than generate a net new Participation order. The following trades occur: BUYER Seller Quantity Price Order 001 - JOEAVG Incoming order 300 $10.00 Order # 004 Incoming order 200 $10.00 5.2 TSXV Odd Lot Dealer Program TSXV odd lot dealers provide an automatic immediate fill for incoming tradable odd lots at the Protected NBBO. Odd lots resting in the TSXV odd lot book which later become tradable due to a change in the Protected NBBO are also automatically filled by the odd lot dealer. Odd lot matching is suspended if the Protected NBBO is locked or crossed and will resume immediately when the Protected NBBO changes such that it is no longer locked or crossed. 5.3 TSX Alpha Odd Lot Dealer Program TSX Alpha odd lot dealers provide an automatic immediate fill for incoming tradable odd lots at the better of the Protected NBBO and the Alpha best bid or offer. Odd lots resting in the Alpha odd lot book which later become tradable due to a change in the Protected NBBO or Alpha best bid or offer are also automatically filled by the odd lot dealer at the better of the Protected NBBO and the Alpha best bid or offer. Odd lot matching is suspended if the Alpha BBO plus the Protected NBBO is locked or crossed and will resume immediately when the Alpha BBO plus the Protected NBBO changes such that it is no longer locked or crossed.