Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Julie LeJeune, Executive Director, Fort York Food Bank (“FYFB” or the “Organization”) and her team, joined Karoline Hunter, Director, Business Transformation, Chief Operating Officer, Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), to close the market to recognize the Organization's participation in the annual fundraising walk Coldest Night of the Year, in order to help raise awareness of the growing levels of food insecurity in Canada. FYFB is the largest and busiest food bank in downtown Toronto. Last year, total visits surpassed 100,000. The numbers are continuing to grow with a new record high reaching 6,000 individuals per week, during the first few weeks of January 2025. To keep shelves stocked, FYFB relies on its incredible partners, generous supporters, and its major annual fundraiser, Coldest Night of the Year (“CNOY”). Held every February, CNOY is a national family-friendly walk to help local charities raise vital funds to serve people experiencing hunger, homelessness or hurt. This year, the Fort York Food Bank's CNOY fundraising goal is $250,000.